Thankful for the Spirit of God’s work through others – especially Dr. Bruce Waltke, Derek Kidner, Sinclair Ferguson, Mika Edmondson, and Edward Donnelly. All praise to God.
Thankful for the Spirit of God’s work through others – especially Dr. Bruce Waltke, Derek Kidner, Sinclair Ferguson, Mika Edmondson, and Edward Donnelly. All praise to God.
Very thankful for God’s continued help by His Spirit to take His Word and life’s providences and what He has taught others to make His Word alive and powerful to my own heart and hopefully to shape the messages that help others. I was especially helped in this message through Ed Donnelly, Mika Edmondson, Gerald…
I continue to be helped week after week by Pastor Mika Edmondson, Ed Donnelly and the many commentaries on Genesis I am reading – as well as the Spirit’s help through conversations with others, and through my own pains and struggles – by which the Lord is making these passages rich for my own heart…
Thankful for how God uses the Word of God and His Spirit and the Spirit and the Word’s work in others to shape my life and these sermons. Praise the Lord for Mika Edmondson, Robert Altar, Derek Kidner, Sinclair Ferguson, Jen Wilkins, and others and may God alone receive all the glory.
So thankful for the gospel of God that is all through this portion of God’s Word. Thankful for Cody Balfour, Urban Ministry Conference Homelessness Panel and speakers, Robert Altar, Mika Edmondson, Ed Donnelly and others…and thankful for the trials God has taken us through these past years that have made these passages such a blessing!…
Thankful for God’s faithful help to study His Word and to learn truths that shape me so that I might pass them on to others. Particularly helped by Sinclair Ferguson, Mika Edmondson, Jen Wilkins, Bruce Waltke, Alter, and others… All glory to God.