For a greater good – Romans 11:36
Corporate Worship – We are committed to the worship of God through the gathering together of the saints in the reading, listening, and preaching of the Word; through praise that enlarges our view of God and inflames our passions for God; and through the mutual exhortation of one another that we would not drift away from the preciousness of Christ.
Ministries of Love – We are seeking opportunities to demonstrate love to all those God gives us to love. The demonstrations of love often open the door for the declaration of the truth.
Preaching Ministry – We are committed to biblical expository preaching of the Word of God that seeks to enlarge the mind and inflame the heart with a passion for God.
Prayer Ministry – We believe that we are powerless to accomplish anything of eternal significance – anything that truly matters – apart from the power of God. We believe that our God is in a category all by Himself (peerless) and He asks us to join with Him by faith. Prayer is one of the main ways we express our powerlessness and our confidence in His power. As a church body we commit to praying together for our city, each other, and the world.