Our ministry to the homeless at Springs of Grace is an attempt to “remember the poor” like Paul spoke of in Galatians as “the very thing (he) was eager to do.” This scripture passage was the motivating influence in beginning the Lord’s work toward the homeless in our city. Since then God has opened doors into the Day Center for the Homeless and now we are a part of a weekly ministry called “Under The Bridge” that ministers to the practical and spiritual needs of our neighbors struggling with homelessness at I-244 and 73rd East Admiral. We desire to bring the hope of the Gospel to those that have often been oppressed and hopeless. We are also very thankful that our church has become a place where people from all walks of life have a place and are welcome to come and be loved by the rest of our church family. Many places do not welcome the poor into their churches as a part of the body, but we believe that God has often given the poor in this world rich faith in God. We are so thankful to be a part of what God is doing in this ministry as we seek to love those made in the image of God for the glory of God.