"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Past Events (Page 12)

Spring Kids

Scripture Memory, Christ Centered Study of the Bible, and Fun Activities! Every Wednesday at the church 6:30-8:00 Preschool-6th grade

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies, join us as we study the word together! This fall our Bible Study will be on Genesis, The Promised One, Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament by Nancy Guthrie. We will have three studies on Tuesday. Early Morning 6:30am  @ Carrie Tabor’s House. Mid morning 10am @ church  (Childcare provided and Activities for Older Home Schooled…

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies, join us as we study the word together! This fall our Bible Study will be on Genesis, The Promised One, Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament by Nancy Guthrie. We will have three studies on Tuesday. Early Morning 6:30am  @ Carrie Tabor’s House. Mid morning 10am @ church  (Childcare provided and Activities for Older Home Schooled…

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies, join us as we study the word together! This fall our Bible Study will be on Genesis, The Promised One, Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament by Nancy Guthrie. We will have three studies on Tuesday. Early Morning 6:30am  @ Carrie Tabor’s House. Mid morning 10am @ church  (Childcare provided and Activities for Older Home Schooled…

Mom’s Fellowship

We will be doing a mom’s fellowship once a month. ( 2nd Thursday evenings of the month ). We will meet between 7-9pm in different houses. This time will consist of fellowship, watching a 15 minute teaching video followed by discussion as a group and prayer time for each other. I hope you prayerfully consider…

Mom’s Fellowship

Mom’s – join us at Miriam Boone’s house as mom’s of all ages gather for a new study on Missional motherhood. We will enjoy fellowship, discussion, and prayer time. If you need childcare or have any questions please feel free to contact Maryem Smith at smithmaryem@gmail.com or 2702237331 or Rosa B. Hope to see you…

Ladies Salad Supper

Ladies – join us this evening for a time of fellowship and food!  Please bring some food to share!

Mom’s Play Date

Mom’s – come out and bring your kids to a super fun play date!  Location to come!  Contact Maryem Smith if you have any questions.

Mom’s Fellowship

We will be doing a mom’s fellowship once a month. ( 2nd Thursday evenings of the month ). We will meet between 7-9pm in different houses. This time will consist of fellowship, watching a 15 minute teaching video followed by discussion as a group and prayer time for each other. I hope you prayerfully consider…