"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Small Group

Dive in deeper with the Springs of Grace community!

We have several different Small Group locations that meet every last Sunday evening of each month!

Contact the leader for more information!

Jared & Carrie Tabor– NW Tulsa   (918)208-2222  jaredtabor@springsofgrace.church

Joe & Rosa Blankenship– South Tulsa   (918)760-0089  b2himglory@gmail.com

Doug & Vikki Fry– Collinsville   (918)232-3826  dougfry14@gmail.com

Jared & Charlene McCoy– Broken Arrow   (918)346-7137  jcseth@cox.net

Jake & Jerusha Funderburk– The church building  (318)423-5431  christsglory@gmail.com