"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6


I received one of the most treasured Father’s Day gifts ever today. My older children all went in together to support a child in my name for 6 months at www.love146.com Love 146 is a ministry geared to rescue those who are in the child sex slavery trade. The first thing a child needs after being liberated from sexual slavery is a safe place. The gift I was given today, that Rosa and I are matching, will provide care at the Round Safehome in the Phillipines for a young girl rescued from child sexual exploitation and trafficking.

May the Lord raise up more of His people to make God-centered efforts and bring gospel-saturated investments towards the captives and the preventing of child sex slavery and exploitation.

I was thrilled to be a small part of an effort to help these children and blessed beyond measure to have children who share their heavenly Father’s love for the weakest among us.

“When you have done it to the least of these…you have done it unto Me” – Jesus