"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

'Pastor Joe' tagged posts

New Elders!

What a joy it is today to ordain three dear men, whom the Holy Spirit has set apart for the role of elder at Springs of Grace. Please pray for Doug Fry, Jared McCoy, and Jared Tabor. I look forward to laboring alongside these men as fellow elders. I am thankful for men who lead…

Trayvon-Zimmerman, Racism, God

I have been slow to speak on this issue – to because I haven’t thought much about it and not because I haven’t prayed and wept for the families. I have tried to think through what God is doing and what the enemy is doing in this situation. In preaching through Galatians I recently preached…

Remember the Poor

Preaching today on Galatians 2:10 where Paul, Peter, James and John affirm their agreement on the gospel and then affirm their agreement on the importance of remembering the poor. Thought this article from “Take Your Vitamin Z” blog was thought provoking. http://takeyourvitaminz.blogspot.com/2013/06/generosity-redefined-part-3-whats-wrong.html

The Gospel Delivers from this Present Evil Age

Piper addresses a glorious prospect of what the church will see through the gospel over the coming years. The pastoral insights are wonderful AND I believe they give much help to many issues we face in inner city ministry – where the gospel’s delivering work makes messy things beautiful (the theme of today’s Vacation Bible…

Redeemed Sexuality

Our family has been reading a very interesting and provocative book together. Below are a couple of the great quotes from the book. “Too many young Christian fornicators plan that marriage will redeem their sin. Too many young Christian masturbators plan that marriage will redeem their patterns. Too many young Christian internet pornographers think that…