"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

'Hope918' tagged posts

Hope918: Prayer Guide

Zoe International recently wrote a blog post about 5 ways to End Human Trafficking.  One of the ways was to be in prayer and they wrote this really fantastic prayer guide.  We recommend you read it.  You can visit the prayer guide by clicking here http://ift.tt/1u9VhhO  and you can read the blog post about ending trafficking…

Hope918: #standupforchange

Thanks to all the University of Tulsa students that came out to the #standupforchange event last night.  Here are a few articles that we’ve found really interesting and helpful as we continue this fight. Also, some interesting documentaries that we recommend are Nefarious: Merchants of souls; Rape for Profit, and then any of the videos…

Hope918: It’s been about a year since we started Girls Club!

We’ve been so blessed to have about 15 girls come pretty consistently each week to hang out, eat food, do a craft/activity and most importantly talk about issues that young girls face.  We’ve talked about so many different things this year.  Things like human trafficking and sexual exploitation, loving your enemy, being a good friend, listening, setting goals, finding your worth in Christ, and the list goes on!