This month is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. And there are quite a few events in our community that should be very informative and helpful to raising awareness in our community.
Here are just a few events happening in our community:
– Friday, January 16th – Prayer at Springs of Grace Bible Church 7-10pm. We will be praying for victims of human trafficking and other issues.
– Thursday, January 22nd – Christians Against Trafficking will be having a documentary screening of “In Plain Sight” at 6:30pm at Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church.
– Saturday, January 24th – Card Making for girls in LA and Thailand that are in safe houses and shelters that are run and supported by Zoe International.
– Tuesday, January 27th – Human Trafficking Awareness Rally 7pm at Foolish Things Coffee House.
Please join us for any and all of these events. If you have any questions about the events please send us an email at
via HOPE 918