"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Posts by Carrie Poole-Tabor

2020 Summer Commitment Letter

Grace and peace from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I want to invite you to pray with me and consider how you might respond to the Lord Sunday (5/17) as we take a special summer ministry offering. This offering is to cover the expenses of our intern ministry and extra summer outreaches. The summer…

Update on the summer internship

Dear Church Family, We’re writing to let you know that because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not host our usual One Hope Urban Ministry Leadership Development internship this summer. Our desire is to seek the good of our neighbors and prioritize the vulnerable which, in this pandemic season, will likely mean avoiding large gatherings, practicing social…


Dear Springs, Tomorrow Morning at 10:20 am we will be having a Zoom Meeting prayer meeting! The meeting invitation, instructions for joining a meeting and signing up for Zoom are attached below. Topic: Springs Morning PrayerTime: Mar 29, 2020 10:20 AM Central Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/137848391Meeting ID: 137 848 391 Also, please consider joining us Sunday…

Elders description & survey

Dear Springs of Grace Church Family, As we informed you last year, we believe God has led us to pursue a much larger and diverse elder body as the leadership team at Springs of Grace. We would like your input as we move forward. I want to give you some brief information about what we…

Bible Reading plans 2020

What Is Your Bible-Reading Plan for 2020? Tis the season to think about next season. Whenever I consider a new year, I think of how I will approach another 365 daily devotions. At this point I am still undecided. There are so many good ways to read the Bible and each one seems better than the…

Sunday night bonus discussion

Dear Springs of Grace Church Family, Sunday night following the evening book clubs we will have another optional discussion time (We plan to do these once a month where we will try to learn to talk about important and challenging topics in ways that are for each other and value each other as fellow children of God). This…