"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Pray for the Americas

The Church in the Americas
1 During the 20th Century, the Americas proved to be the most dynamic Christian continent

2 The Roman Catholic Church has passed through 40 years of tumultuous change, in part spurred by the growth of Evangelicals

a) Concern for the poor and social justice

b) The charismatic movement

c) Traditional Catholicism

3 The challenges for Evangelicals in the 21st Century

a) Wise handling of political power in Latin America

b) Willingness to confront social and economic injustices in a biblical way

c) Religious freedom

d) Adequate training for present and future pastors

e) Maturity in the churches

f) The need for biblical standards in morals and ethics

g) Denominationalism, which is a major problem

h) The integration of Amerindian churches into the mainstream of Christianity in their countries

i) Christians to face up to the challenge of cults

4 The Evangelical missions movement has had an enormous impact on the world — firstly from North America and now increasingly from Latin America

a) Churches to learn the privileges and responsibilities of supporting cross-cultural outreach

b) Finance, which is a major limitation

c) The development of viable and locally applicable sending structures

d) The ability to relate to the international missions world