"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Pray for Angola

Republic of Angola
February 12-13
Answers to prayer
1 The failure of Communism to eradicate Christianity

2 The growth of biblical Christianity in the midst of appalling suffering and deprivation

Challenges for prayer
1 Continual war since 1962 has been devastating

a) The healing of the nation at every level

b) Lasting peace and a righteous government sensitive to the well-being of the people

c) Those seeking to alleviate suffering by clearing mines, rebuilding the infrastructure, homes, hospitals, schools and churches

2 Luanda and other major cities have become the home of refugee populations living in squalid despair

3 Christians have suffered ostracism, abuse, discrimination and outright persecution for many decades

4 The church has not emerged unscathed and needs much prayer – specifically for:

a) Love that transcends tribal loyalties and the violent politics that fed on such, often dividing Christians

b) Forgiveness of the perpetrators of violence and of Christians who compromised under pressure

c) The ending of state restrictions and manipulation, and the emergence of true freedom of religion

d) Christ-like, holy living by followers of the Lord Jesus that commends the gospel to unbelievers, and a passion for outreach to their disillusioned, apathetic neighbours

e) Unity in the gospel

5 The dearth of trained, godly leadership is the most critical problem limiting church growth and maturity

6 The unreached and needy:

a) Chaos has prevented a survey of needs

b) Specific peoples yet to be evangelized

7 Young people and children are spiritually deprived both in and outside the churches

a) Primary and secondary schools to be opened up for religious teaching and SU activities

b) Churches to recover a vision for evangelizing and discipling children and young people

c) University students face campus unrest and the looming inevitability of being drafted into the armed forces

8 The life and witness of a depleted missionary force through the years of suffering was a good testimony

9 Media and support ministries:

a) The Bible Society is active and involved in development of Scriptures in nine languages, and new translations into Luchazi, Umbundu and Kongo

b) Christian literature is scarce and little is available in Portuguese and even less in indigenous languages

c) Radio broadcasts reach the land in seven indigenous languages from TWR in Swaziland and also in Portuguese

d) The JESUS film is available in Portuguese, Kongo, Kwangali and Kwanyama, but 20 more languages need to be tackled

e) GRN has made recordings in 30 languages and dialects