Renewal, much prayer and large-scale evangelism since 1983 have deeply affected the nation and touched the world through Argentinian evangelists, teachers, missionaries and leaders
2 Out of dictatorship and the defeat in the Falklands/Malvinas war in 1982 have come significant changes leading to religious hunger, democratic government and economic recovery
3 Prison ministry has revolutionized the nation’s jails
Prayer Challenges
1 Spiritual hunger has led to growth, both in the number of Evangelicals, but also in the followers of cults and occultism
2 Renewal has impacted nearly every denomination. Revival based on Scripture (rather than emotion) is needed
3 Spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness
4 Unity of believers is essential to growth and revival
5 Appropriate leadership for the churches is a critical bottleneck to growth
February 14 next >
Overview: Peoples, Economy, Politics, Religion
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Area 2,780,092 Latin America’s second largest country with a great range of climate, rainfall and topography. The 16,300 Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands) are claimed by Argentina, but remain under British rule.
Population (2000) 37,027,297 1.27%AGR
Capital Buenos Aires City 3,500,000; conurbation 12,400,000.
European 81.4%; Mestizo 10%; Amerindian 3.7%; Middle Eastern 4.7%; Other 0.2%.
Literacy 95%. Official language Spanish. All languages 23. Languages with Scriptures 3Bi 7NT 4por.
Blessed with abundant natural resources which were squandered by inept governments for most of the 20th Century. Unemployment is 16%. HDI 0.827; 39th/174. Public debt 23% of GNP. Income/person $8,060 (23.5% of USA).
Independent from Spain in 1816.
Roman Catholicism has state support, but there is freedom of religion and considerable respect for Evangelicals, though not all legal discrimination against religious minorities has ended.
Religion Population % Adherents Ann.Gr.
Christian 92.91 34,402,062 +1.1%
non-Religious 3.68 1,140,441 +5.7%
Muslim 1.35 500,000 +5.1%
Jewish 1.32 488,760 +2.2%
Other 0.49 181,434 +4.7%
Ethnic religions 0.16 59,244 – 1.5%
Buddhist 0.05 18,514 +11.0%
Baha’i 0.03 11,108 +5.5%
Hindu 0.01 3,703 +5.4%
Christians Denom. Affil. % ,000 Ann.Gr.
Protestant 86 6.16 2,279 +3.8%
Independent 73 4.25 1,573 +2.6%
Anglican 1 0.05 19 +0.5%
Catholic 1 91.15 33,750 +1.1%
Orthodox 9 0.43 159 +0.8%
Marginal 7 1.51 560 +3.4%
Unaffiliated 1.10 410 n.a.
Doubly affiliated -11.75 -4,350 n.a.
Churches in Argentina
Missionaries from Argentina
477 in 39 agencies to over 50 countries
Missionaries to Argentina
729 in 92 agencies from 22 countries