"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Pray for Europe

Pray For…Europe

•Population of Europe – 725,218,750
•Percentage of Evangelicals – 2.4%
•Total Number of People Groups – 871
•Number of Unreached People Groups – 782

For centuries, Europe has been a launching pad for the gospel. Europe is likely the place where Paul penned most of his letters; home of the Reformation; and the birthplace of many great heroes of the faith like William Carrey, George Mueller, and Charles Spurgeon. However, over the past century, the percentage of believers in Europe has greatly declined. Whether it be a growth in secularism or an increase in immigrant populations of other faiths, today Europe is a place of spiritual darkness and numbness to the gospel. In addition, some of the most least-reached peoples call Europe home now. With that said, there is a great opportunity for the gospel and a great harvest.

•Pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of the lost and to grip the lives of the people of Europe with the gospel.
•Most Christians in Europe are Roman Catholic. Pray that God would awaken in the Catholic Church a desire to know and love and seek God. Pray that they would experience true rebirth and repentance and that they would not settle for dead, ritualistic religion.
•Ask God to send workers to the field and to stir the hearts of his Church to go and bring the good news to all the ends of the earth.