Pray For…The Newars of Nepal
•Population – 1,458,988
•Percentage of Evangelicals – N/A (0.82% Christian)
•Language Spoken – Newari
•Major Religion – Hinduism
•Human Development Rank of Nepal – 144
•Persecution Index of Myanmar – N/A
•Global Evangelical Status – Level 3, Less than 2% Evangelical. Widespread church planting within past 2 years.
The Newars are some of Nepal’s earliest inhabitants and are mainly concentrated in the Katmandu Valley. Newars speak a Tibeto-Burman language called Newari. Many Newars are Hindu but some are Buddhists. However, most would not recognize the distinction between the two. Nepal as a whole has suffered from economic and political instability. Around 54% of the population of Nepal are living on less than $1.25 per day. In a recent election, the Maoists won a majority and expressed wishes to turn the once Hindu kingdom into a Communist country. This political situation has the potential of becoming a hindrance to the Gospel. Meanwhile, radical Hindus wish to reinstate a Hindu kingdom and rid the country of other religions. Between these two groups, believers receive persecution for their faith in Christ. In addition, family and peers pressure new converts to return to Hinduism. Despite these things the body of Christ is growing among the Newars in a great way.
•Pray for God to continue building His church and bringing people to faith in Christ.
•Ask God to move in the Nepalese government so the good news of Christ can be proclaimed freely.
•Pray for our brothers and sisters to stand strong in their faith in Christ.
•Pray for God to show Himself mighty during this trying time in the country.