Pray For…Russia
•Population – 139,708,000
•Percentage of Evangelicals – 0.7%
•Total Number of People Groups – 162
•Number of Unreached People Groups – 76
•Language Spoken – Russian
•Major Religion – Christianity
•Human Development Rank – 71
Founded in the 12th century, the Principality of Muscovy, emerged from over 200 years of Mongol domination (13th-15th centuries) and gradually was able to conquer and absorb surrounding principalities. 17th Century dynasties followed suit and continued to expand across Siberia to the Pacific. The country was renamed the Russian Empire under the rule of Peter I (1682 – 1725). As Russia continued to expand and gain more territory throughout Europe and Asia many wars resulted, which contributed to the establishment and formation of parliament and government structures. The ruling imperial household was overthrown after repeated defeats during WWI. This is when Communism emerged in Russia under the brutal leadership of Vladimir Lenin which led to the formation of the USSR. Communism rose and was strengthened throughout Russia at the cost of tens of millions of lives. With a stagnate economy and society, Russia found itself in a dark time of history. Under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980’s, Russia’s attempt to modernize Communism failed and the separation of the USSR into Russia and 14 other republics was accomplished. Today Russia is one of the wealthiest nations when it comes to natural resources, but with corruption and lack of infrastructure still remains untapped and undeveloped. The Church in Russia was strengthened with the collapse of Communism as the freedom to share the Gospel and plant churches was allowed. The Bible became freely available and other resources like biblical training became accessible. While there are still challenges today, the church continues to grow and develop.
•The corrosive past of Communism still affects the country today. Pray for God to establish values of loving, sacrificial service and moral integrity in both society and the Christian Church.
•Although constitutional religious freedom exists, the Orthodox Church has strong authority in the government and therefore persecutes the Evangelical Church. Pray that legislation for true religious freedom can be re-established and the Church can flourish in that freedom.
•There are many unreached people groups throughout Russia. Pray for the sharing of the Gospel among these groups, for people to be saved and for churches to be planted among the believers.
•Many Christians have left Russia in search of a better life for their families. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ living in Russia to be encouraged and strengthened. Pray that God would call out believers to stay and make disciples and see people come to know the Lord.