"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Rwanda and the mercy of God

I am praying for Rwanda today through Operation World. The Lord used the horror of genocide and the ugliness of sin to awaken my heart to the kind of ugliness that would live life ignoring the pain of others created in the image of God. May we never be a people that say, “they are in that mess and it has nothing to do with me” but O how I pray that beholding the cross – being loved by God and set free – I will love my neighbor as myself.

Thank you Lord for your mercies through the horrors of Rwanda.

Republic of Rwanda
October 1
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1 The genocide that caused the death of a million men, women and children stunned the world and traumatized the nation

a) Rwanda desperately needs peace and an end to centuries of inter-ethnic hatred

b) The United Nations as well as Western and African governments all failed to act in time and with courage to prevent the 1994 calamity

c) The transitional government will end in 2003

d) The need for justice

2 The East African Revival began in Rwanda in the 1930s

3 Many Christians suffered much

4 Young people were deeply affected by the events of the 1990s

a) Ministry to university students which has had to begin from scratch

b) Scripture Union which has a ministry among young people of all churches,

c) Other Christian associations such as AEE, YWAM, YFC and Moucecore who are working to help young people overcome their problems and build up their unity as one people

d) Orphans from genocide, war and AIDS may number 500,000

5 Missionaries have returned since 1994. The demands are enormous with the lack of national Christian workers

6 Ministry challenges

a) AIDS has become another nightmare

b) The Pgymy Twa are marginalized

c) Muslims have increased significantly in the 1990s through an aggressive mosque-building programme

d) Detainees and prisoners languishing in over-crowded prisons face a long and hopeless future

7 Christian support ministries:

a) Christian radio – TWR broadcasts in kiNyarwanda from Johannesburg, South Africa

b) The JESUS film has been viewed by the equivalent of 40% of the population