Tim Challies has been doing a very thought provoking and, I think, powerful series of blogs regarding schooling choices for parents. It reflects the evolution of homeschooling that my wife and I have watched and been a part of over the past 20 plus years. All 11 of our children have been homeschooled. Two of them attended public high school. We have six currently homeschooling and the rest in college or out of school. When we first began to homeschool it was very much a minority position that faced a great deal of negative scrutiny. It required a measure of courage and God’s grace for us to make the decision to homeschool {and tell anybody 🙂 }Today that doesn’t seem to be the case, at least not in any of the circles we live in. In fact, it would require courage today to choose a different course.
Challie’s seems to genuinely and biblically be wrestling through these issues in his observations of the church. He is driving at all of us living together like the church in love with one another. I think you will find the discussion helpful and for sure provoking.
This is the link to the third post in the series. http://www.challies.com/christian-living/the-weaker-the-stronger-the-homeschooler-iii#more
You can get to the others from his website.
May God keep us majoring on what matters most and seriously seeking His will and guidance in all things as we love those God gives us to love.