"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

New Member Class

If you are new to Springs of Grace or have questions about our core commitments and ministry OR you want to know what is involved in being a part of this faith family – I invite you to take part in our new member classes beginning on Sunday, February 19th. The class will take place during our Adult Bible Study time from 9:45-10:35 AM and will continue each Sunday for 6 weeks. We will cover the non-negotiable pillars of our faith family; what it means to be a Christian; what it means to be a part of a faith family; why are we involved in the ministries so dear to us at Springs of Grace; what is our leadership structure; and a “let me ask the preacher” session. If you are already a part of the faith family, then pray for this time. We will have another adult bible study going on at the same time for you to attend.