"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Follow Springs of Grace as we follow Jesus

Whether you are a first time visitor or a regular to the Springs of Grace Bible Church website, we are glad you are taking advantage of what is offered here. If you can’t find something you are looking for, just send an email to b2himglory@gmail.com or joel@joelkelley.net and we will try to get online what would be of help to you.

If you haven’t been to our other websites, I would encourage you to go to www.Hope918.com where there is some great information about what is happening with sex trafficking in Tulsa & our efforts and prayers for that horror. Go to www.onehopeministry.org to see more about our tutoring, school, and sports clinics. Go to www.onehopehurricane.com to learn about how we are using sports teams as a way of loving our community in hopes of opening the door for the declaration of God’s truth.

If you are on twitter then you can follow Springs of Grace at @SpringsofGraceb and follow Pastor Joe at @b2himglory

The best way to follow Springs of Grace is TO COME AND WORSHIP THE LORD WITH US. We have bible studies each Sunday morning for all ages at 9:45 (children puppet time with Pastor Joe at 9:30). Our Sunday morning bible studies are geared to have time to pray for one another and to help each other as we pass through this world as aliens headed to heaven. Our Sunday morning worship begins at 10:45 and everything in the service is geared towards helping you to think vertically – to consider God and what He has to say to you – particularly through His Son Jesus. Sunday nights we gather back together at 6:00 pm for a worship time where different ones in the body are encouraged to share. We have testimonies, take communion, pray together for causes that are on the heart of God, have different ones in the body share what the Lord is teaching them in the living out of the messages we have heard and we encourage each other to keep going after all those the Lord has given us the opportunity to love. Sunday nights are a blast! and a great blessing!

We have other bible studies during the week – Sunday night young men’s bible study on hermeneutics and 1 John at 7:30 off campus. We have a women’s bible study on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am studying 2 Peter. There is youth bible study on Wednesday nights @ 6:15 with dinner and games at the Rose Bowl – studying through the book of Acts and breaking up into small groups afterwards to seek to apply what they are learning. I love our mission memorization time for children (K-6th grade) on Wednesday nights @ 6:30 – they are going through the entire Bible – building a knowledge base of the main truths from each book and memorizing Psalm 139 and Romans 8:31ff. The Day Center bible study is Tuesday nights down at the Day Center at 7:00ish and they are studying through the Gospel of John. There’s a college age bible study for ladies on Thursday nights at the Boones home studying through the Psalms. A College Age Retreat March 8th-9th and a special Spring Break outreach for our youth on March 17th & 18th.

We have small groups the last Sunday night of the month that meet in homes and a whole bunch of people who have found mercy from the Lord and love showing mercy and offering hope to everyone because of this verse – “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” We would love to have you come be a part of finding the demonstrations of love that open the door to the declaration of the truth in our city and to the nations. Come help us LOVE in ways that appeal to the hearts of those around us and LIVE with integrity that will appeal to the consciences of those around us – so that when we say “LOOK TO JESUS AND LIVE” – They might look and live!

Follow us – as we follow Him!

Pastor Joe