We have been away from our study of Hebrews for 2 weeks with a special “camp message” and last Sunday being blessed to have Jared Tabor teach us out of Matthew 4. (If you missed Jared’s message you really will be blessed to listen to it. Our family was taking a few days of vacation but were so glad we got to come back and be a part of Sunday worship at Springs.)
This Sunday we are back in Hebrews and will be studying the first ten verses of Hebrews chapter 5. I am thrilled to share Jesus with you out of this passage! Come and invited someone to come with you and join us for a great day of worship. I am awed that the God of the universe has given us His very Word so that we might know Him and He has given us His Spirit so that we might understand and He has given us His grace so that we might believe and obey.
Let’s come and love Him together and all those He gives us to love!
Pastor Joe