Please join us and participate in prayer week January 24th-31st. Come as much as you can!
Sunday, January 24th
9:45 am – adult prayer time as a part of Adult Bible Study
10:45 am – Worship service with prayer and special message on Praying through the Psalms
6:00 pm – Singing and prayer together
Monday, January 25th
Noon – 1:00 pm – prayer time at the church auditorium (praying for families, marriages & other things on your heart)
Tuesday, January 26th
6:30-8:00 am Men’s Prayer time & Bible Study at church
6:30-8:00 am Ladies Bible study and prayer time at Amanda Neph’s
10:00-11:30 am Ladies Bible study and prayer time at church
7:00-8:30 pm Ladies Bible study and prayer time at church
Wednesday, January 27th
6:30-7:30 am prayer time at church auditorium (focusing on praying for the hurting around the world and whatever is on your heart)
6:30-8:00 pm Youth prayer time and bible study at Rose Bowl
7:00-8:00 pm Prayer time at church auditorium (focusing on praying for our youth and the youth of our city and whatever is on your heart)
Thursday, January 28th
6:30-7:30 am prayer time at church auditorium (focusing on praying for the ministries of Springs of Grace and whatever is on your heart)
Thursday evenings – encourage Springs of Grace church family to host others in their homes or apartments for prayer.
Friday, January 29th
6:30-Midnight Secret Church at auditorium – worship, prayer and teaching on prayer.
Saturday, January 30th
Encourage families to pray in their own homes together for Springs of Grace and the advancing of God’s kingdom
Sunday, January 31st
9:45 am – adult prayer time as a part of Adult Bible Study
10:45 am – Worship service with prayer and special message on Praying through the Psalms
6:00 pm – Prayer times at Small Groups (Various locations)