This summer on Wednesday nights we have chosen to reach out to our church and community in different ways. The past two weeks we have had block parties at the Rose Bowl and in the neighborhoods and we are thankful for the overwhelming response. Every Wednesday night this summer will be different in some ways and the same in other ways. We will always have a meal (usually hot dogs, chips and watermelon). We will always have child care available. We will always be doing something we hope will impact our community either immediately or over the long haul.
This Wednesday night is a Youth Emphasis and that means we want all of you who aren’t youth to come and either pray for our youth or actually come and be a part of the youth service.
We will be serving hot dogs and chips and watermelon.
You can help with the food or just visit and meet some of our youth that you might not know (that will be over at the Rose Bowl at 6:30 pm.) At 7:00 some of us (who are not youth) will come over to the church building and we are going to pray for our youth.
If you have youth and they don’t come to our youth bible studies regularly or never come – PLEASE BRING THEM THIS WEEK TO SEE WHAT YOUTH IS ABOUT.
You may be astonished at the quality and depth of bible instruction they are getting. We have a great youth group and this summer is a very important time in their lives when week after week they hear Jared teach God’s Word to them on Wednesday nights and then break up into small groups with role models helping them understand how to apply and live out God’s Word that has been taught. Our youth get taught by Lincoln Beard and others on Sunday mornings and they get to be a part of bible studies and special camps geared towards them committing their lives to Jesus above everything.
So come and eat a hot dog with us and pray for our youth – if you are a middle school or high schooler and you don’t always come – this week – you need to make sure and come!
Wednesday, June 29th – Seminar night – I will be teaching a parenting seminar, there will be a suicide prevention seminar for our youth, and a couple of other seminars.
Wednesday, July 6th – Music Festival at McClure Park
Wednesday July 13 – getAHEAD play
Wednesday July 20th – Project 61 Camp Canvassing .