"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Some Encouragement from Isaiah 42

I was praying for our church family and our community today from Isaiah 42 (one of the Servant songs in Isaiah). It is a tremendous passage. Verse 1 is actually quoted from heaven upon Jesus’ baptism (maybe along with Psalm 2). I was encouraged again by Jesus being this Servant who brings justice but doesn’t do it by clamoring for power.

“He will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice or make it heard in the street.” Jesus will make all things right – put all things back in right relationship, but He doesn’t do it by going out and controlling the public discourse. He does it through love – “A bruised reed he will not break (crush), and a faintly burning wick he will not quench. He will faithfully bring forth justice.” This image of a bruised reed is speaking about a stalk of grain that has basically been broken. It’s not broken into two pieces. It’s bruised, but because it’s broken at an angle, it’s never going to produce grain. Yet this Servant does what no one else can do. He can heal it so it produces grain again.

Jesus is the Master of hopeless cases. He loves the fragile. He loves during pandemics He loves people who are beaten and who are battered and who are bruised and who maybe on the outside are still asymptomatic, but inside, they’re infected or even dying. He knows what to do with them. He binds up the brokenhearted, and He heals wounds. He will bring justice. He will make everything right.

Verse 6 – He will take you by the hand and keep you. He may take you by the hand and keep you from sickness and crushing, or He may take you by the hand and keep you through it.

If you keep reading through the chapter, Jesus opens the eyes of the blind (physically and spiritually). He brings prisoners out of their dungeons and out of darkness. He turns the darkness into light.

Jesus did it all! This Servant (Jesus) is coming back to heal absolutely everything that’s wrong with the world. He is here to put right absolutely every relationship that’s wrong. That’s what it means in the fullest sense to do justice.

The death and resurrection of Jesus assure this justice and His ascension and promised return remind us that while it is accomplished, it is still not yet fully here.

We sing a different song than the rest of the world. We have a new song to the Lord – the Servant – who is our King. Trust Him and love Him more today, by loving others.

Much love,

Pastor Joe