We are changing the start time of our outdoor service to 10:30 tomorrow! We believe we are now able to livestream our outdoor service at that same time – so both the livestream and outdoor service will begin at 10:30 tomorrow.
We were going to wait another week, but with the temperature a little cooler in the morning, we felt like it would be a blessing to most to go ahead and make the switch. The forecasted temperature at 10:30 tomorrow by my weather app is a very pleasant 60 degrees and sunny.
I am excited about what God has for us tomorrow through His Word preached and very excited to worship together with you and be mutually stirred up towards love and good deeds. What a joy to be together as God’s family. May God help us to partake of this important help God gives us by joining together and may we do so with love, joy and much anticipation of His help.
Please pass on the information about the new start time at 10:30. We will try and have some coffee or hot drinks for anyone who doesn’t get the message.
See you at 10:30!!!!
Pastor Joe