Dear Springs of Grace Church Family,
Grace to you and peace. I’m so thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit and I have prayed that we as a church family have talked and acted with a greater awareness of His presence this week.
I was tremendously blessed by the Q & A time last Sunday night and the questions and answers from our elder candidates. Their love for the Lord, love for His Word and love for the church were a tremendous encouragement to me. Their commitment to walk in unity without uniformity was a rich encouragement to me and reflective of the spirit of kindness that comes by being overwhelmed by the gospel that I so treasure at Springs of Grace.
If you have any particular concerns about an elder candidate that you would like to share, you may pass those on to one of our current elders (Joe Blankenship at or Jared McCoy at ). The elder candidates are available for questions individually at our community groups and before or after services over the next few weeks, if you have follow up questions or additional ones. You will also be hearing from each of our elder candidates through a 10-minute life testimony and some written comments that we will be posting to our website soon.
Continue to pray for these men and their families: Nate Boone, Tim Condie, Gabe Graham, Ryan McNeill, and Fred Sabatini – as we work through this process.
Please join us for worship at 10:30 am tomorrow outdoors or by livestream. Communion will be a part of our service.
We have a fall festival fellowship planned for the evening of November 1st. Community Groups will be October 25th and we are beginning a study through Side by Side together (if you need a book, let me know.) Sunday morning, October 25th it will be our privilege to send out Shawn and Hae-Jean Peters as missionaries from our church to Albania.
Don’t forget to sign up for Simeon Trust – Men’s only and Women’s only courses are available to help you better study and share God’s Word. We encourage all of our church family to consider going through it. Our elder candidates will be and hopefully most of our teachers.
You can read about Simeon Trust here: women ( men ( Be looking for information about our classes coming out soon.
Please pray for our service tomorrow. I believe the Lord has a message for us from His Word. Pray that we will stir one another up to love and good deeds. Please continue to pray for our missionaries: Carrie and Sveta in Ukraine; Nic and Renee in the Middle East, Greg and Lois in the Philippines and Dorothea in Thailand and Shaun and Hae-Jean as they prepare to head to Albania. Pray for the ministries to our neighborhood. Pray for those who are suffering from the pandemic. Hospitalization rates in our city and state are at their highest. Several in our church family have friends or family that are dealing with this sickness currently. Pray for the medical care personnel and those making decisions in our government and schools for wisdom.
Some in our church body have experienced other recent grief. Let’s excel at loving one another and bearing one another’s burdens. Our love for one another provides the stability to let us go out into the world and take the risks of love that give us the opportunities to point people to the hope of Jesus.
If you have questions or needs, please let us know. Striving to be His church, by His grace, for His glory.
Love you very much,
Pastor Joe