"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Posts by joeblankenship (Page 38)

Church GATHERING Tomorrow? – YES

Dear Springs of Grace Church Family, Lord willing, it is our intention to gather for bible study and worship at our normal times tomorrow morning (9:30 for children puppets and adult fellowship; 9:45 for adult, youth, and children bible studies, 10:45 for corporate worship. We have the parking lot plowed to make things easier. Obviously,…

What to pray for EGYPT

John Piper forwarded this report: Editor’s Note: Ramez Atallah serves as general secretary of the Bible Society of Egypt. Asking for ongoing prayers, he sent this report today when internet access was restored to the nation in turmoil. 1. Christians and Muslims have been united as never before defending their homes on overnight shifts (due…

PRAYER WEEK – January 23rd-30th

Sunday, January 23rd – Adult Bible Study and prayer time – 9:45-10:35 am Worship Service – 10:45 am Men’s Prayer time for our children – 6:00 pm Youth Bible Study and Preacher School – 7:00 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday (24th, 26th, 28th) Lunch hour prayer times in One Hope Room – Noon – 1:00 pm…

I too have a dream

This morning I shared again the vision of Springs of Grace Bible Church with our church family: To glorify Jesus Christ by making much of Him in everything; by doing what He has sent us to do and by loving the people He has given us to love. This vision or calling has birthed a dream…