"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Pray for the Pacific

Answers to Prayer 1 The strength of Christianity in the Pacific.The Pacific was one of the first areas to be evangelized in the modern Protestant missionary era. By the end of the 19th Century most of the Pacific region had become Christian through the sacrificial labours of early LMS, Methodist, Anglican and Pacific Islander missionaries.…

Pray for the Pacific

The Church in the Pacific 1 The decline of Christianity is especially acute in Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia with a rapid rise in secularism, family breakdown and indifference to spiritual things 2 Nominalism in the Pacific Islands has increased due to inadequate teaching on true repentance, personal faith and the need for a…

Hijacking the Brain — How Pornography Works

Al Mohler gives a good summary of a new book out titled “Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain”. You can read the entire article here – http://www.albertmohler.com/2010/02/01/hijacking-the-brain-how-pornography-works/ William M. Struthers of Wheaton College explains, “Men seem to be wired in such a way that pornography hijacks the proper functioning of their brains…

Pray for Europe

Pray For…Europe Stats •Population of Europe – 725,218,750 •Percentage of Evangelicals – 2.4% •Total Number of People Groups – 871 •Number of Unreached People Groups – 782 For centuries, Europe has been a launching pad for the gospel. Europe is likely the place where Paul penned most of his letters; home of the Reformation; and…


This Sunday night will be our monthly small group meetings. If you are interested in joining a small group – please contact – Joe Blankenship, Andrew Moss, Doug Fry, or Jared McCoy.

Praying for Asia

The Unfinished Task in Asia 1 While we praise God for great strides in the evangelization of Asia, the remaining challenge is awesome a) Over 83% of the 4.4 billion non-Christians in the world b) Over 87% of World A unevangelized individuals c) The three largest non-Christian religions in the world and the most challenging…

Pray for Asia

The Church in Asia 1 The Middle East/West Asia a) The birthplace of the Church could become its grave if present emigration of Christian communities from the lands of West Asia continues b) Protestant denominations are few and small c) Believers from a Muslim background are few and often scattered d) Trained leadership for the…

Pray for Tibetians

Tibetans Stats •Population of Tibetan Peoples – 7,147,000 •Number of Tibetan People Groups – 134 •Number of Tibetan UPG’s – 117 •Restricted Nations with large Tibetan Populations – China, India, Nepal, and Bhutan The Tibetan Plateau is located in west, southwest China and is home to many Tibetan people groups. However, Tibetan peoples can be…

This Week Pray for Asia

Answers to Prayer in Asia 1 The spectacular growth of the Church in some countries of Asia observed in the 1980s has continued in the 1990s a) All Christians have increased from 22 million (2.3%) in 1900 to over 300 million (8.3%) in 2000 b) Protestant and Independent Christians increased from under 4 million in…