"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

'Pastor Joe Blankenship' tagged posts (Page 16)

Pray today

Challenges for Prayer 1 Many of the least-reached are hedged in by political, religious, social and spiritual barriers, but they need cross-cultural gospel input from workers called of God 2 Relatively few of these 3,500 peoples have no known Christians among them, but in most they constitute a small minority — on average 1.2% of…

Prayer for Today

January 7 next > The Unfinished Task — The World’s Peoples It was only during the 1990s that a reasonably complete listing of the world’s peoples and languages was developed Here is a summary of our present assessment of the least reached peoples Over 90% of all the least-reached peoples on earth either live within…

Adoption as Basic Chrisitianity

Adoption as Basic Christianity Steve Burchett James would be surprised that we now have what some have called an “adoption movement” in our country. When he wrote, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27), he was writing about…

Read the Bible in 2010

As a church we want to read the Bible more in 2010. We are encouraging you to make a commitment to read the entire New Testament this year if you never have OR make a commitment to read the entire Bible through in 2010. In another post you will find this month’s reading assignment for…

Prayer Week

Please plan on participating in our Week of Prayer at Springs of Grace (January 10th-17th). This is an important step in our living out the vision God has given us for 2010. It is a reflection of our commitment to be dependent upon the Holy Spirit instead of dependent upon ourselves. It will testify to…


SPRINGS OF GRACE VISION MESSAGE for 2010 1) Diligently promote among Springs of Grace an awareness of the need in our city and world. (Luke 10 “Parable of Good Samaritan”; Luke 14) Hopelessness, poverty, human trafficking, sexual perversion; generational patterns of violence, drugs, family disintegration; educational crisis, racial prejudice and discrimination; absence of biblical gospel,…


Communion – Pronunciation: kə-ˈmyü-nyən – an act or instance of sharing; intimate fellowship or rapport – COMMUNICATION Come and experience the symbol of our communion with Christ and one another this morning.


Thankful to the Lord this morning to be a part of a church that loves people as He has loved us. No doubt that we need to excel still more! … but how THANKFUL I am to be in a church that loves people because we have been loved by Christ – rather than because…

Christian Janitor Dies to Save Muslims

via Take Your Vitamin Z by noreply@blogger.com (Vitamin Z) on 11/12/09 Skye Jethani: “A clash of civilizations.” That’s how many in the media and in politics describe the relationship between Muslims and Christians. This popular narrative, however, does not capture the full story. Yes, there is a faction of Islam that is hostile and even…