"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

'Pastor Joe Blankenship' tagged posts (Page 7)

Maintaining a tender conscience

“Get and keep a tender conscience. Be sensible of the least sin. Some men’s consciences are like the stomach of the ostrich that can digest iron: they can swallow the most notorious sins without regret. A good conscience is very delicate. It feels the least touch of known sin, and is grieved at the thought…

Important upcoming Dates

Sunday Morning, March 27th – We will observe the Lord’s Table as a part of our worship. Sunday evening March 27th will be our Small groups (if you aren’t in a small group I encourage you to get involved in one) Sunday – April 3rd, we will have a fellowship meal following the morning worship…

Said Musa Has Been Released

Denny Burk shares on his blog: Said Musa Has Been Released February 24, 2011 International Christian Concern (ICC) is reporting that Said Musa has been released from his captivity in Kabul, Afghanistan. He had been imprisoned for converting to Christianity from Islam, a crime punishable by execution. Thankfully, aggressive international diplomacy behind the scenes paid-off,…

Pray for Said Musa

If you haven’t done so already, please pray for Said Musa who awaits execution in a prison in Kabul, Afghanistan. His crime? Converting to Christianity from Islam. Said Musa is married and the father of six young children. He has been a Christian for eight years. Compass Direct News reports: “In the two-page letter, a…

The One Hope Blog is a must read

Below is a great article from our one Hope Blog. You should check it out often. One Hope Ministry Josephs When a business sets out to hire new employees, they are always going to look for the best of the best. They want those who have the highest pedigree, the ones with the best grades from…

Ministry received by mercy

Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. And even if…

The Social Costs of Pornography

Denny Burk posted this very important article on his blog. Please read this and pass it on to others. This is a plague on our day and we should ask God to remove it from us and we should run with fear from it into the hands of our loving Savior. The social costs are…

What to pray for EGYPT

John Piper forwarded this report: Editor’s Note: Ramez Atallah serves as general secretary of the Bible Society of Egypt. Asking for ongoing prayers, he sent this report today when internet access was restored to the nation in turmoil. 1. Christians and Muslims have been united as never before defending their homes on overnight shifts (due…

I too have a dream

This morning I shared again the vision of Springs of Grace Bible Church with our church family: To glorify Jesus Christ by making much of Him in everything; by doing what He has sent us to do and by loving the people He has given us to love. This vision or calling has birthed a dream…

Protecting our Kids, Mission, and Parenting

What a tremendously accurate exhortation for parents! May God give us parenting wisdom like this at Springs of Grace! Protecting our Kids, Mission, and Parenting N.D. Wilson: The world is rated R, and no one is checking IDs. Do not try to make it G by imagining the shadows away. Do not try to hide…