I got this post last night – please pray for these orphans in Sudan.
Brother Joe
Our Children at Hope for Sudan are Under Machinegun Fire Right Now
Posted: 28 Sep 2011 12:54 PM PDT
Over the last month, the entire stateside staff of MWP has been dispersed from MS to CO to Sudan to Peru, and to Romania. Today was our first day to all meet back at our headquarters, the Mission House, in Alabama.
I was so excited to be reunited that I’d planned a special day of celebration to be woven in and through our frenetic attempts at catching up. I couldn’t have planned a more perfect start to our day than the one the Lord gave us by announcing Hannan’s freedom from the Nuba Mountains to Juba…and tomorrow onto Hope for Sudan.
This morning our staff convened early for a time of reflection. We often celebrate the Lord’s Supper on such occasions, but this morning I led in a slightly different manner. Rather than thirstily gulping up the Chalice of Forgiveness without much reflection, I asked each person to consider the mysterious contents of that Cup. How it was not the Roman soldiers’ nails, or Judas’ betrayal that crucified Christ, but rather our sin.
As a symbol of our hearts’ examination, we each poured a bit of wine into the Chalice—representing our remembrance of how our sin pierced the Body of Christ, spilling His Blood and filling the Cup we would drink with His Blood. Then left it there while we went about our days work…often passing by, reflecting upon the Chalice and its mysterious contents.
After we broke bread (actually pizza) together at lunch time, we reconvened around the Chalice and saucer to behold the miracle of mercy and forgiveness that seemed to start as our sin.
Just as our circle gathered, Matt’s cell phone rang. It was Romano, our director at Hope for Sudan, where Hannan is waiting to go to in the morning.
He told Matt that right at this very moment a large team of raiders were running through our orphanage property unleashing heavy machinegun fire. At least two locals are dead, maybe more. Our guards were quick thinking and were able to round up all of our children and close them into their dormitory, where all are safe for the moment.
It seems tension has continued to rise over these months and one group wrestled a herd of cattle from another. The raiders are killing each other, and anyone who gets in their way. Child trafficking often gets included in these raids so our children are very vulnerable tonight.
Kevin Massie, who served two years at Hope for Sudan, said, “One of the biggest problems in this is that once such raiding is set off, it usually goes on for days or weeks before things settle back into place.”
Just an hour ago, we were praising God for Hannan’s release. We are STILL PRAISING GOD! And, we are also asking Him, “Please extend Your Mighty Hand of protection once again, and protect all our orphans at Hope for Sudan!”
I will let you know as I receive the live reports.
Love, your sister along the journey,