"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Please pray for Faces4hope in Tanzania

Here is the latest update from the ministry we are involved with in Tanzania. Please pray for wisdom and strength to minister.

October 2011 Update

The definition of “rape” with the Maasai is “training”. Some forms of “training” are more brutal than others. Maasai close their eyes to what it really is, as it is part of their “culture”. They are said to be training the girls to be wives…How does a Christian father give his 13 year old daughter to a 50 years old man who, not only has AIDS but has 6 other wives? How does this father allow her to go through this “training” time, so she is ready? How does a father force his daughter to marry so young when she wants to continue in school? Her mother will get a beating if she speaks on her behalf. The father fears a curse will be put on him if he doesn’t give her to the man she was promised to at birth. In the meantime, she is in “training”. My stomach turns as I realize more and more the life of these girls Lord, save these children. If we help too much, the entire tribe will withdraw or we will get kicked out, but there must be more to do. The Maasai culture is so strong. “Women’s Rights” has a much stronger meaning now, as these precious girls have no freedom or choice in their life. They are so young and so innocent and so helpless in their culture. Pray for these girls’ protection.

Been spending more time in Maasailand this week. An amazing pastors’ conference took place for 3 days, with over 140 pastors and leaders, men and women. Thank you CTK for sending these three Godly men to teach the Maasai. Pray God’s word is hidden in their hearts, men and women. Pray for change.

Thank you to those who donated for clean water. The newly constructed 25 gallon community water tank is now completed and bringing water from the mountain to the tank to the troughs for the cattle and for the people. There is much excitement about the tank. But … no rain, means no grass. No grass means cows are taken far away where there is some grass. No cows mean no milk for little ones…Malnutrition is beginning. Pray for Rain.

Our stay in Arusha during this first month (helping Nick and Heidi and Hannah and Hailey adjust to missionary life in Tanzania) has allowed us to meet with the local NGO’s and also, World Vision. Second meeting with World Vision this coming week with the Child Advocacy director…pray we ask the right questions and there are answers.

Today, visited Faces 4 Hope’s first college student. Elisa is so thankful to be in college, instead of the young 3rd wife of an older chief. She is making history and will have a story for her people. Her story will be a great encouragement to other girls.

Jack returned to America for some teaching, as I am staying another month to carry on some projects.

Thank you for all your prayer and support. We could not be here without knowing there are people in America supporting what we are doing here.

May God Bless you,
