God is PEERLESS; we are Powerless – our powerlessness is demonstrated by how and whether we pray.
Let’s leverage our influence as children of God by asking of our Father.
Pray for families
Pray for the marriages at Springs of Grace to be tremendous pictures of the covenant love of Jesus for His Bride, the church.
For parents to be committed to the spiritual nurturing of their children.
For the husband to make it his priority to selflessly lay down his life for his wife and love her as Christ loves the church.
Pray for opportunities of discipleship that God would use to break the cycles of decay in the family among those we love
For the wife to love her husband and children, to be gentle and submissive to her
husband, and to be passionately devoted to Christ.
For the husband and wife to fulfill their biblical roles of leadership and submission as unto the Lord.
Pray for the YOUTH at Springs of Grace that they would have hot hearts for the Lord, a commitment to holiness and a passion for others who can’t give back to them. Pray that they might direct their lives towards great causes and not temporal pleasures
Pray for the children at Springs of Grace that they might come to know the Lord as their greatest treasure and Savior of their lives.
Pray for children to be trained to honor their parents and the Lord in attitudes as well as actions.
Pray for the children of our community that do not have parents who pray for them to love Jesus and follow His Word
Pray for the ministry outreach to college students at the University of Tulsa campus, ORU and TCC
Pray for ministry to international students at the University of Tulsa
Pray that the Lord would raise up tutors and laborers from the college campus to join with us in loving those God has given us to love.