God is PEERLESS; we are Powerless – our powerlessness is demonstrated by how and whether we pray.
Let’s leverage our influence as children of God by asking of our Father.
Please pray for HOPE918 (www.hope918.com) and the ministry to those caught up in sex trafficking (The website has a resources link that can give you lots of information to help you pray)
Please pray for prostitutes and pimps in the area around the church that God might give us opportunities to express the love of Christ to them and speak to them gospel truth
Please pray for the children of those involved in sex trafficking that God might spare them and deliver them
Please pray for the rescue of children and young girls who are trapped in the sex slave trade both in our city and around the world
Please pray for ZOE Children’s Homes – an international organization that rescues and cares for children who are sold, or at risk of being sold, into prostitution slavery; orphaned, or victims of other heinous crimes and abuse-worldwide.
Please pray for others actively involved in rescue, prevention and aftercare.
Please pray for the Bible Study at the Day Center. Pray for Tyler Brown who leads the study and Larry and Sue Hopkins, Hannah, Lottie, Josh and others who are ministering there.
Please pray for those who are without housing that God would provide opportunities for them to get into good housing communities
-That the Spirit of God would use His word to produce genuine disciples of the Lord.
-That those going from SoG would have wisdom and love to know how to confront the heresy that is prevalent.
-That we would Love the Lord with all our hearts and depend upon Him as we minister to the residents there.
-That this Bible Study would open the doors to the lives of individuals who are wanting to follow the Lord.
-That the body of the church at SoG would seek to come alongside and use their gifting to reach those that are in need.
-That the Lord would use the resource of the body individually to seek to further Day Center residents to use the abilities God has given each.
-That there would be more relationships developed that would be able to speak truth directly into the chaos of some of the residents’ lives.
-That the Lord would begin to help the residents see the need to give back and that they would not seek to use people for what they can get.
-That God’s truth would be accurately and powerfully communicated to those that come.
– For opportunities to be more actively pro-life as a church
– For teenage moms in this area to come be a part of our church body
– For Nate & Miriam’s adoption (please pray they would receive a referral soon and that the Lord would provide funds for their adoption and would prepare them to welcome the children He has for them into their family)
– For families who have already adopted
– For more opportunities to walk with and encourage families who have adopted
Please pray for Springs of Grace and the churches living in prosperity to share the concerns and burdens of our brothers and sisters in need.
Pray that we might know how to share our resources and give demonstrations of love in ways that help the most and not in ways that only make us feel better
Pray that we might not be blind to the poor around us
Pray that the heart of the LORD who executes justice for the fatherless and the wido, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing might be in His people
Pray that the mercy we have been shown by Jesus who was rich becoming poor for us so that in His poverty we might be made rich impact the way we live
Psalm 41:1 – “Blessed is the one who considers the poor! In the day of trouble the Lord delivers him…”
Pray for ministries like Children’s Hunger Fund