Donald Kargill became one of the leaders of the Scottish Covenanters who rose up against a godless king who wanted to put man in God’s place. They stood on the truth that “Jesus must reign”.
Kargill eventually gave his life for this truth and as he was being martyred – his biographer writes the following of what Kargill said:
When he came to the scaffold and foot of the ladder, he blessed the Lord with uplifted hands, that he was thus near the crown; and when setting his foot upon the ladder to go up to embrace the bloody rope, he said, “The Lord knows I go up this ladder with less fear, confusion or perturbation of mind, than ever I entered a pulpit to preach.”‘
Walter Smith said that he was praying that ‘All who are in His way may be kept from sinning under suffering.’ He stooped down and said his farewells to his relations and acquaintances and the Church of God, and beckoning to the vast crowds said. ‘Farewell also.’ Once up the ladder, he said, ‘Farewell, all created enjoyments, pleasures and delights; farewell, sinning and suffering; farewell, praying and believing, and welcome, heaven and singing. Welcome, joy in the Holy Ghost; welcome, Father Son and Holy Ghost; into Thy hands I commend my spirit.’
The napkin was put upon his face. He lifted it again, saying, ‘I have one word more to say, and that is, to all that have any love to God and His righteous cause, that they will set time apart, and sing a song of praise to the Lord, for what He has done to my soul, and my soul says, “To Him be the praise.” ‘
May we live out (and if necessary die for) this most trustworthy truth. 1 Corinthians 15:25 “He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.”