I spent time this morning giving thanks for many expressions of God’s mercies in my life. So very thankful for a living, risen Savior – thankful for a gospel of grace – thankful for two new grandchildren (Talitha and Zion) – thankful to have 11 children and two son-in-laws who all express a genuine love for Jesus – thankful for godly friendships – thankful for the promise of heaven – thankful for the Word of God and the list goes on and on…
But I especially wanted to express my thankfulness to God and testify to His grace in my life in giving me a bride of nearly 30 years who loves well and treasures Jesus most AND
SO VERY THANKFUL TO BE A PART OF JESUS’ BRIDE – PARTICULARLY TO BE A PART OF SPRINGS OF GRACE – to be a part of a church who loves Jesus, loves His Word and loves all kinds of people. So thankful to be a part of a church where people are overwhelmed at the gospel and the grace that God has shown them. So thankful for the hope givers and enduring ministers of love in this body. So thankful for the new laborers God has brought in answer to prayer and so very thankful for those who have endured in this ministry. Loving isn’t always easy but endurance in loving in the harder ways is so like Jesus. I see Him in so many of you as you labor in love year after year.
I know my walk with God would not be nearly as deep and steady if it were not for this church family. I know my children would not have the passions for God and others they have if it were not for the ministry of this church family. I know my view of adoption and marriage and children and life would not be the same without the ministry of this church family.
The Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 4:1 that we have received this ministry by mercy. It is as much the overwhelming undeserved mercy of God that I get to be a part of Springs of Grace as it is that I got to be a part of His family.
I am so thankful for all of you and pray you all have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.