"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

One Hope Ministry: What I’m Learning This Summer

By Mat Levenson

Well, where do I start? There’s quite a lot that I could write about; intern retreat, FCA P61, VBS, get-AHEAD, Sunday morning service, college Bible study, Day Center Bible study, Real Talk, Secret Church, even just living at the church. The learning curve is challenging and “the struggle is real” (as the youth would put it.) This being my second year of interning with the church brings a lot of familiarity, but when you are dealing with intercity ministry, you often times also step into uncharted territory- with not a clue what do or sometimes what to even say.

This learning curve is a curve that seems so perpetually endless, and so very steep at times, that it seems you are sliding down towards where you just came from until that Hand of the Lord grabs you. He then refreshes you with His strength and a reassurance that you are walking in the center of His will for your life- sometimes through some hard lessons. These hard lessons this summer have taught me that first: it isn’t about me at all, though I will indeed partake of the reward of Heaven and behold the Lamb with the multitude whose names are written in the Book of Life. In all actuality, it is about bringing glory to Christ by loving the orphan, alien, fatherless, and others. Furthermore, learning my own imperfections has pushed me to cherish Christ’s perfection much more, and to really marvel at the most evil act ever committed in history- the cross of Christ. This seemingly ugly, but actually beautiful cross is the reason that I have decided to come to Springs of Grace and serve alongside others who are going hard after God for another year (and however so long that the Lord permits.)

Probably some of the biggest things that the Lord has been teaching and showing me are to see Him in everything, even the smallest of things which seem insignificant; to talk to myself out loud about the Gospel (which is healthy); to love others despite their imperfections and my awkwardness; to pray fervently for others and for myself; to rest in Christ more often; to not pass judgment on others in the body; and to serve the Lord with a glad heart. I have much more to add, but I’ll save you the reading and scrolling. Seeing the little things this summer so far has enabled me to cherish and rejoice more fully in the grace of our great Savior.

from One Hope Ministry http://ift.tt/1mB0m7N