Please participate in prayer week today as we focus on praying for the ministries at Springs of Grace.
Pray for the ministry to the homeless (That those going from SOG would walk in a manner worthy of our calling with all humility, gentleness, patience, and love. And that those believers who live at the Day center would live in this same way. – That the people trapped in false/bad teaching would escape it and be lead to gospel centered teaching. – That we would with joy go with Jesus outside the camp into the homeless shelter and meet with Him there.
Pray for our ministry to young couples (Marriage Sweetener on February 11th; Doug Fry class teaching through Ephesians 5 for the next several weeks on marriage)
Pray for our women’s ministry
Pray for our men’s ministry
Pray for our college and career ministry (pray that we would grow in maturity as we study the Bible together. – We have a couple of the young men who the Holy Spirit really seems to be moving in… Pray the Lord would continue to work in their lives and keep them from the thorns of this world who threaten to choke them out.)
Pray for our youth ministry – (Pray for hearts to hear the gospel and respond with joy. – Pray for students to be willing to share the struggles in their hearts and that God would help them deal with the trauma and sorrow in their lives through His grace and healing. – Pray for students who have fallen away from coming to youth group to return. – Pray for protection from gang involvement, violence, abusive relationships, and many of the other pitfalls facing these kids on a daily basis. – Pray for wisdom, patience, and truth in love for the youth leaders.)
Pray for our ministry to children (particularly as we consider starting a midweek time for them – for our bible studies on Sunday mornings – for Vacation Bible School)
Pray for Hope 918 (- PRAY for Girls Club. Currently we have 2 different weekly support groups for young girls meeting. Pray for our East Tulsa Girls Club, that God would continue to soften these girls hearts. Pray that He would open their eyes to receive Him as their Savior. Pray for our North Tulsa Girls Club, that God would bring girls and that He would bring them consistently. Pray that He would use the weekly meetings to bring many young, vulnerable girls to a knowledge of who Jesus is. – PRAY for Strip Club Outreach. We’re currently trying to love and share Christ with vulnerable women that are involved in the sex industry. Pray that God would open these ladies eyes to behold who He is. Pray that they would love God and that they would leave the damaging sex industry. – PRAY for Provision. We have a lot of different outreach opportunities at Hope918, pray that God would provide funds and support so that we are able to do all these different outreaches so that we can reach more vulnerable women and girls. Pray that God would provide people to love all these women and girls. – PRAY for Endurance. Pray that God would give the Hope918 volunteer and staff endurance as we seek to love and care for women and girls that are involved or are at risk for being involved in the sex trade industry.)
Pray for our One Hope Academy Ministry – (Pray for clarity and direction for students as they make college and career decisions going into their senior years. Pray they will work hard and do well on required tests for graduation and college applications. – . Pray for deep roots to be grown in the students who claim Christ. Pray that the other students that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts so they will see the full glory of the truth about Christ that they give mental assent to but have not yet embraced with their hearts. – Pray for continued patience, enthusiasm, and creativity for the teachers. Pray that we will love them daily in action and word in such a way that they come to know and believe the love God has for them in Christ. – Pray for provision and direction for our yearly field trip. Pray that it will be a time of bonding, of increasing the dreams in the hearts of our students, and of seeing God’s work in other places in ways that will help the students worship God in a fresh way.)
Pray for getAHEAD ministry (pray the Lord would continue to provide volunteers so we can grow the program
– pray that God would let our relationships with families deepen and that God would bring getAHEAD families to be a part of the church
– pray that God would strengthen our teachers and staff so they can continue to pour out their lives in love for the getAHEAD kids
– pray that kids would grow academically and that they would respond to what we are teaching them about the gospel
– pray for the students to grow in their hunger for the Word and for the Word to take root in their hearts. Pray for ears to hear.
– pray for parents to open their lives to us to a greater degree and that the Lord would bring more of them to become a part of our church. Pray that we would have opportunities to share the gospel with them and that they would respond in faith. Pray that false gospels in their lives would be revealed for the lies that they are.
– pray for funding and construction on the Rose Bowl so that we could grow the program.
– pray for the teachers and volunteers that God would pour His love for each child into their hearts so they would love and serve in the strength that God supplies. Pray for patience and stamina to pour all they can into the lives of these students.
– pray that getAHEAD would continue to be a place students feel safe and loved. Pray for conflict resolution between students and for teachers to have patience and wisdom in dealing with problems between students.)
Pray for Sports Club Outreach
Pray for the Rose Bowl – (for financing, renovation and use.)
Pray for our Intern Ministry (Pray for God to be preparing hearts and opening ways for many college students to come and serve this summer. – Pray for wisdom for the staff in determining which studies and ministries will best benefit these college students and our community. – Pray for God to provide funds for many interns to be able to come.)
Pray for our Worship Leadership Team (Pray for Zac as he prepares the music portion of our worship time each week – pray for the music team as they prepare – Kylie, Krista, Joel, Alissa, Nate, Hosanna, Josh, Jonah – pray for the church to sing with hearts turned towards the Lord – pray for the sound and technological equipment and those who make that stuff work, Nathan, Malachi, Jared, Jake)
Pray for our Preaching Ministry – (Pray for Pastor Joe as he prepares and preaches God’s Word each week, – pray for our other elders (Jared, Doug, Jared) as they help prepare us for the preached Word through the Call to worship and Scripture Reading times. – pray for Joel Kelley and those who record the messages and distribute them on the internet each week – pray for all those who preach God’s Word in other places as the light goes forward from Springs of Grace into our city and the nations)
6:30-7:30 am Prayer time at church auditorium
Evening Host others from church family in homes or apartments for prayer
8:00-9:30 pm Prayer as part of college and career Bible studies
(praying for the ministries of Springs of Grace and whatever is on your heart)