Please join us for some of the opportunities for prayer.
We will be focusing on prayer for our youth and the youth of our city.
Please pray for One Hope Academy:
1. Pray for clarity and direction for students as they make college and career decisions going into their senior years. Pray they will work hard and do well on required tests for graduation and college applications.
2. Pray for deep roots to be grown in the students who claim Christ. Pray for the other students that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts so they will see the full glory of the truth about Christ that they give mental assent to but have not yet embraced with their hearts.
3. Pray for continued patience, enthusiasm, and creativity for the teachers. Pray that teachers will love them daily in action and word in such a way that they come to know and believe the love God has for them in Christ.
4. Pray for provision and direction for our yearly field trip. Pray that it will be a time of bonding, of increasing the dreams in the hearts of our students, and of seeing God’s work in other places in ways that will help the students worship God in a fresh way.
Please pray for our summer Intern Ministry – summer interns have been an important part over the years of the role modeling to our youth and the outreach to the city.
1. Pray for God to be preparing hearts and opening ways for many college students to come and serve this summer.
2. Pray for wisdom for the staff in determining which studies and ministries will best benefit these college students and our community.
3. Pray for God to provide funds for many interns to be able to come.
Please pray for the Youth Ministry of Springs of Grace.
1. Pray for hearts to hear the gospel and respond with joy.
2. Pray for students to be willing to share the struggles in their hearts and that God would help them deal with the trauma and sorrow in their lives through His grace and healing.
3. Pray for students who have fallen away from coming to youth group to return.
4. Pray for protection from gang involvement, violence, abusive relationships, and many of the other pitfalls facing these kids on a daily basis.
5. Pray for wisdom, patience, and truth in love for the youth leaders.
Pray for our Sports Club and Girls Club outreaches.
1. Pray for the leaders that teach and share God’s Word in small groups.
2. Pray for the financial provision to continue to be able to use the Rose Bowl space for Sports Club.
3. Pray for relationship to deepen so that guys and girls are free to share the real challenges of their lives and that they will see the truth of God’s Word alongside their challenges.
4. Pray for girls and guys to see the beauty of Jesus and His work of redemption and trust Him with all of their being.
5. Pray for spiritual growth and eternal values among those who attend.
6. Pray for relationships to be built and strengthen around a common love for Jesus – relationships that cross races, economic status, and cultures.
Wednesday, January 27th
6:30-7:30 am Prayer time at church auditorium
6:30-8:00 pm Youth prayer time and Bible study at Rose Bowl
7:00-8:00 pm Prayer time at church auditorium
(praying for the hurting around the world and whatever is on your heart)
(praying for our youth and the youth of our city and whatever is on your heart)