Plan on joining one of these bible studies and prayer times if you can. Each group will have their regular bible study but will also take some time to pray together. We will focus our prayer on praying for those who teach and preach God’s Word in the different ministries at Springs and for those who listen and learn from God’s Word.
Pray for the teachers of our Sunday morning bible studies (Renee Wilkins & Hannah Kelley – Nursery; Hannah Brown & Larissa Olsen – Preschool; Nathan & Maryem Smith, Hosanna Fry – 1st & 2nd grade; Tyler Brown & Jonathon Zytkoskee – 3rd & 4th grade; Krista Burton & Lottie Blankenship – 5th & 6th grade; Lincoln Beard – Youth; Nate Boone – College & Career; Doug Fry – Young Married; Jared Tabor & David Wilkins – Adult; )
Pray for the preaching of God’s Word on Sunday mornings – for Pastor Joe’s preparation, personal intake of God’s Word his sensitivity to the Spirit, and the delivery of God’s Word to us.
Pray for Jared Tabor and those who teach and share on Sunday nights.
Pray for Nate and Miriam Boone as they lead out in our college bible studies on Thursday nights.
Pray for Jared Tabor as he teaches our youth on Wednesday nights and for the small group leaders who take God’s Word that is shared and help apply it further to the lives of our youth.
Pray for Rosa Blankenship, Renee’ Wilkins and Amanda Neph as they teach through the women’s bible study on the book of Joshua.
Pray for the different men who lead the men’s bible study on Ephesians.
Pray for the teaching of God’s Word by Jake Funderburk to our One Hope Academy students and the other teachers who teach and share God’s Word with them (Miriam Boone, Jared Tabor, Jillian Hazel, Nate Boone, Mat Levenson)
Pray for Tyler Brown as he teaches God’s Word at the Day Center on Tuesday nights and for those who labor alongside of him to love the homeless.
Pray for Tyler Brown, Jared Tabor, Boggey Neph and others who teach God’s Word to young men at Sports Club on Monday nights.
Pray for Carrie Tabor, Lottie Blankenship, Jillian Hazel and others who teach God’s Word to young ladies at Girls Club on Monday nights and Tuesday nights.
Pray that all of these preachers and teachers would be diligent students of the Bible and handle it accurately, striving to communicate the author’s intention in the text – that they would share the Word of God and not the Word of men – that they would be kept from false doctrine or application that goes beyond the authority of the text but that they would speak with boldness what God has said through His Word, the Bible.
Pray for those of us who sit under the teaching of God’s Word that we would have hearts and minds that are receptive and hungering to hear from God through the Bible.
Pray for many to value more highly the preaching and teaching of God’s Word.
Pray for our own individual reading and studying of God’s Word – that we would take the time to read the Bible and that we might have ears to hear it and the grace of God to understand it and that we might behold the wonderful things that show us Jesus in His Word.
Tuesday, January 26th
6:30-8:00 am Men’s prayer time & Bible study at church auditorium
6:30-8:00 am Ladies Bible study and prayer time at Carrie Tabor’s (2903 E. 1st St., Tulsa)
10:00-11:30 am Ladies Bible study and prayer time at church auditorium
7:00-8:30 pm Ladies Bible study and prayer time at church auditorium