"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Carrie Moss Update: Baptism

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to witness baptism in the village of Sitovichi! This is the village where our friends Lyuda and Vanya live with their family.

Picture taken on a previous trip to visit them in May

Lyuda grew up in this village and moved back there about 7 years ago, not long after marrying Vanya. Their desire to see a church in this village has not wavered despite the challenges they have faced. God has clearly been at work, but it has not been easy for them. They began as one of only two Christian families in this village. Then, God added a third Christian family about a year ago – a couple that God rescued from drug addiction through the men’s and women’s drug/alcohol rehabilitation centers operated by Fimiam Church.

A few years ago they were able to purchase an abandoned house in the village and begin remodeling it. They have done much of the labor themselves, but financial donations and labor have also come from churches and individuals in Ukraine and abroad. For more than a year now, they have been able to use the building for Sunday services and other church activities and more and more people now visit the church. This is a fairly rural part of Ukraine and this is the first church of any kind in Sitovichi and the only Protestant church in the region.

Vanya and Lyuda have been faithful to do the work God has called them to and God has been faithful to bless this work. Yesterday’s baptism service was held at the river and was a testimony before the entire village. People came to participate in the service from Fimiam Church and another church, but many people also came from this village to watch and listen. God’s Word was clearly proclaimed and two young people (Julia and Stasik) testified of God’s saving work in their lives, why they were being baptized and their desire to walk with God for all their days. It was a truly beautiful day!  
Please join us in praying for more people in Sitovichi to know and follow the Lord as well as for God’s sustaining grace for Vanya, Lyuda and the others serving in this village. 

from Advancing With A Limp https://ift.tt/2AMMnQp