Dear Springs of Grace Church Family,
Grace and peace. I have been praying for you that you would more diligently look for and recognize Jesus’ glory in all of life. I have prayed that we would collectively reflect Jesus’ glory to our city and world more beautifully. And have prayed that we would do so as – above all – we strive to love one another. Praying that we will not miss the main things, instead of fixating on the “shaving cream stuff” of life. Tomorrow, I am excited to worship with you, as our dear brother Marcus, brings God’s Word to us.
Continue to pray for the Tabors and Beards who are expecting births this week and pray for Casey Manning, who was in a car accident this week and recovering from surgery.
The number of deaths related to the COVID virus and hospitalizations continue to be high in our state and city. Pray for those who are impacted by this sickness and deaths. And pray for those who are serving in the hospitals as doctors, nurses, and other medical care givers. Pray for the schools as they make decisions as to the best ways to educate students. Pray for our government officials as well.
Be in prayer for our church and the Christian community over the next few months leading up to the election, that we would model love for one another and what it means to have our citizenship in heaven and may we demonstrate a certainty of Jesus as the true hope of glory within us. Check on one another and let’s bear one another’s burdens, rejoice with one another and cheer one another on in our attempts to love and serve in Jesus’ name.
Please consider taking some time this Saturday or Sunday to pray and/or fast for these items above.
I hope you can join us for our outdoor service this Sunday morning at 9:15. God has continued to provide incredible weather each week. Please continue to pray for this time. We began last week, filming our outdoor service and will have it up live by 11:15 for those who can’t attend the outdoor service. 11:15 is the new start time for the online service. We believe God wants us to gather and these are ways that we are striving to be a faithful church fulfilling that command. You can find the link to tomorrow’s livestream service at our website ( and find other important information about the church.
If you have questions or needs, please let us know. Striving to be His church, by His grace, for His glory.
Love you very much,
Pastor Joe