"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Sunday Information – 10:30 Outdoor Service and Live Stream and PrAYER

Dear Springs of Grace Church Family,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Please plan on joining us for our worship service on the church lawn at 10:30 tomorrow morning or through our livestream. The weather forecast suggests that it will be a little cold, but dry and sunny. I’m excited to gather together!!!!

We continue to work towards a plan for meeting indoors at the Rose Bowl – perhaps starting as soon as November 8th that would allow a good deal of space to spread out. We are still awaiting some approval from the fire marshal.

I hope that you have continued to “RUN” this week and that in spite of all of the temptations to quit or coast – who Jesus is and what He has promised has encouraged you to keep running with your eyes on Him.

We will take some time tomorrow to pray for our nation. As citizens of heaven – it is our joy to live in this world now with the assurance that our hope is not in any political leader or political system – or even in the enduring of our nation. We have a better and an abiding possession. As we gather together tomorrow, it is my prayer that our unity would be built on Jesus’ kingdom and our communion with Him – in spite of differences about the best ways to live and vote as salt and light here. We trust the Spirit of God to work in His people for His glory and our good. And we know that it is the Lord who sovereignly sits on the throne – and no matter who is elected – His throne and rule is not threatened. We are safe and hope filled, and joy filled in Him.

I want to ask you to continue to pray for those in our city, state and world that are being impacted by the pandemic. I have spoken with several that are working in our hospitals and there is a serious staff shortage of nurses and doctors. Please pray for these workers and those who are sick. Please pray that the Lord might send a reprieve – that He might end the spread of the virus or give wisdom and grace for those dealing most directly with it and that He might let His people lead out in showing love to others in these days.

Please pray for those who are sickened by this virus or who have lost loved ones. Pray for those who are impacted emotionally and psychologically and economically and educationally by the pandemic.

Please continue to pray for our elder candidates. If you have any particular concerns about an elder candidate that you would like to share, you may pass those on to one of our current elders (Joe Blankenship at b2himglory@gmail.com or Jared McCoy at JMcCoy@metroca.com ). The elder candidates are available for questions individually before or after services over the next few weeks, if you have follow up questions or additional ones.

Continue to pray for these men and their families: Nate Boone, Tim Condie, Gabe Graham, Ryan McNeill, and Fred Sabatini – as we work through this process. We hope to install them as elders on November 8th.

Please join us for worship at 10:30 am tomorrow outdoors or by livestream. You can find the link to this week’s livestream service at our website – www.springsofgrace.church or here: https://youtu.be/BvZMb_h7R5g

If you would like to join us for our church wide book study of Side By Side and desire a book, please let Michelle Sabatini know.

Plan on joining us Sunday afternoon for our FALL FESTIVAL FELLOWSHIP. Game begin at 4:45 pm.
Please continue to pray for Sergey and Nina and their family as they minister in Eastern Ukraine. Pray for Carrie and Sveta and the Ministry of Agape House and Fimiam Church. Pray for Nic and Renee Gathers as they minister in the Middle East. Pray for Greg and Lois Lewis and their family as they serve in the Philippines. Pray for Dorothea Schulz and the ministry of Shear Love in Thailand. Pray for Faces for Hope in Tanzania. Pray for the staff of One Hope as they lead out in ways to love our neighborhood. Pray for the ministry of “Under the Bridge” on Thursday nights. I’m so thankful for the team that served food and ministered gospel conversations to 40 or so this past Thursday night! Pray for the ministry to the Day Center. Pray for our ministry to moms who have lost a child through miscarriage or otherwise. Pray for those in our church body who can’t join us regularly for our services.

Keep checking on one another. Please pray for our service tomorrow. I am excited about what God has for us.

If you have questions or needs, please let us know. Striving to be His church, by His grace, for His glory.

Love you very much,
Pastor Joe