Please join us on Thursday, January 13th 6:30-7:30 am prayer time at church auditorium and ZOOM (focusing on praying for our missionaries and missions’ efforts
You can join the ZOOM here:
Topic: Thursday, January 13 Prayer Week
Time: Jan 13, 2022 06:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 883 3270 3164
PRAY for Carrie, Sveta and the mission team in the Ukraine
PRAY for the conflict in Eastern Ukraine and Russia
PRAY for Agape as they grow and plan construct some new buildings. Pray for wisdom in finalizing these plans, the financing required, and the construction to be timely and efficient.
PRAY for health and safety of employees and residents so that they can avoid closures and continue to serve people through rehab.
PRAY for discernment of the next step in our PT Training Center as it is not clear at this time how exactly we should proceed.
PRAY for Lewis family and mission efforts in the Philippines
PRAY for Shon’s old and new passports to arrive. There have been multiple failed delivery attempts since they reapplied in July 2021. His old passport has the only evidence of his current and active visa to return to the Philippines. Without the old passport they may not be able to return until tourists are welcome again-which they don’t know will happen anytime soon.
PRAY for God’s assistance in alleviating the lockdowns in the Philippines. Gradually they are lifting but it’s still taking a lot of time.
PRAY for their team in the Philippines who are having morale issues. They miss the Lewis family and the benefit for ministry their presence offers. They are continuing medical church planting ministry but are weary. Please pray for God to reinvigorate their hearts and passions.
PRAY for God’s guidance about timing of return to the Philippines in reference to boys’ education both current and future and Shon’s lost passport/visa.
PRAY for the boys to continue school well. Things are going well! Praise God.
PRAY for Greg’s MD license in Canada to be issued so he can work locally close to where we’re living.
PRAY for current Canadian Covid laws to improve- a lot of people are suffering. Pray for a just implementation of the laws.
PRAY for the kids and parents to be of good cheer during extreme Canadian cold. They have been in extreme cold for weeks. It’s supposed to warm soon.
PRAY for wisdom as the Lewis’s were presented with an amazing ministry opportunity in the Philippines and asked to assume leadership of it. They are in need of hearing from the Lord regarding his guidance moving forward. They are talking with current leadership on a regular basis and will need to move forward with a decision in the next few months.
PRAY for continued growth of our prayer team, and support team
PRAY for the needed financial provision that the new ministry opportunity brings. It is in a more expensive area with higher schooling costs.
PRAY for more support and more prayers for new partners, partners to increase giving if able, new organizations, Christian groups, and new friends to join our team. We would also love prayer for new connections with like-minded believes from our friends and family.
PRAY for Peters’ family and mission efforts in Albania
PRAY that they will continue to grow in grace and live in grace within their family.
– Some signs of stress in the kids, especially Lily & Joy
– Stress in our Marriage – need to find quality time to listen and love one another
– Discipling our Children for craziness when it comes – to train them to follow the Spirit and have courage to stand firm in their faith in HIm
PRAY for GDQ school that the kids attend which is required to move by the next year
PRAY for minds to continue to study the language and love the Albanian people
PRAY for new avenues of learning the language: clinical medical language, working with the Roma, telling stories and advancing the use of language
PRAY for attitudes and words of joy and thanksgiving in our hearts and to one another as a witness for those around us who don’t know the Good News
Pray for Nic and Renee in the Middle East
PRAY that as they engage the community that they find those that God has prepared to receive the gospel.
PRAY for fellowship that they might continue to grow in the LORD