"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Articles (Page 47)

Insight into why the church matters SO much

John Stott, writing 27 years ago (I Believe in Preaching, p. 69): It is difficult to imagine the world in the year A.D. 2000, by which time versatile micro-processors are likely to be as common as simple calculators are today. We should certainly welcome the fact that the silicon chip will transcend human brain-power, as…

Walking by the Spirit

Here is a summary of what God spoke to us this Lord’s Day out of Galatians 5 about walking by the Spirit. We are dependent upon the Spirit of God for new life, a new heart, and new birth so that we are birthed into the family of God. We are dependent upon the Spirit…

I Have Not Always Obeyed This Command

I Have Not Always Obeyed This Command via Desiring God Blog on 9/28/09 (Author: Jon Bloom) “Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you” (Matthew 5:42). I confess, I have not always obeyed this command. I’m a veteran urban-dweller. Having lived in an inner…

Death-Defying Faith for Gospel Ministry

A Death Defying Gospel – by Denny Burk I was stunned last week when one of my colleagues told me that he didn’t care whether or not he died from Swine Flu. We were talking about the flu season and how the much ballyhooed Swine Flu might affect our campus, and he was simply not very…

Dependent upon the Holy Spirit ???

We are a part of a religious system today in our culture that has created a whole host of means & methods for doing church which work with or without the Holy Spirit of God. – (notes from a message by Rex Blankenship in early 1990’s on cultural Christianity). May God help us to be…

Biblically Informed Self-Knowledge

As a new Christian in 1930, C. S. Lewis was learning terrible things about his heart—the unfathomable layers of pride. It is astonishing how similar his description of his own heart was to the description Jonathan Edwards gave of our inscrutable strata of self-admiration. Here is Lewis writing to his friend, Arthur, amazingly within a…