"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Articles (Page 48)

The Habit of Private Prayer

The Habit of Private Prayer via J.C. Ryle Quotes by Erik on 8/19/09 “What is the reason that some believers are so much brighter and holier than others? I believe the difference, in nineteen cases out of twenty, arises from different habits about private prayer. I believe that those who are not eminently holy pray…

Husbands – Be Like Christ – by C.S. Lewis

John Piper spoke yesterday about the husband’s role as head. He did so by quoting C.S. Lewis. I thought it was tremendously thought provoking. Read it below. What follows is one of the greatest reasons for a man to get married and stay married: not the rapturous flame of eros, but the refining fires of…

Invite Them To Come In

by Mark Altrogge on July 27th, 2009 You may not always be able to share the gospel with someone, but there’s an often overlooked opportunity to evangelize that’s so easy even a caveman can do it – invite people to church. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says there is a “mysterious element in the life of the…

Thomas Brooks

The person of Christ is the object of faith. It is Christ in the promises that faith deals with. The promise is but the shell, Christ is the kernel; the promise is but the casket, Christ is the jewel in it; the promise is but the field, Christ is the treasure that is hid in…

God is Mighty to Save

“God is Mighty to Save” is a song we sing a lot aroung Springs of Grace. It is also a truth we believe. This testimony encouraged me today to pray for God’s mighty work of salvation to blow on many “impossible” hearts in Tulsa. Ray and Lisa are my friends. Their testimony of being delivered…

The Downgrade

I wrote the following post in response to President Obama’s recent speech to the Gay and Lesbian Community and a dear brother’s comments about what is in the near future for Christians in light of this movement. ******* If twenty years ago we could not have imagined the church embracing the perversions being embraced today,…