"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Prayer Emphasis – Praying for the Ministries at Springs of Grace – Thursday, January 23rd

Please pray for the following ministries of Springs of Grace today:


(Ministry at the Day Center, Salvation Army & surrounding ministries)

1. That God would keep people from being captured by the many false gospels and churches that are teaching these damning heresies.

2. Grace to have hearts opened up to thirst for the truth and God’s leading in their life to the truth

3. Boldness to speak the truth, if need be to denounce the false gospels, and open doors to do so.

4. That God’s grace in our lives would be an encouragement to the hurting believers that are present at these shelters, and a light to all that witness us.

5. Wisdom to know how to best love and help those that express needs

6. Joseph Lockard and his protection from the evil that surrounds him as he lives and ministers at the Salvation Army.

7. That all of us that go labor in this ministry would go in the Joy of the Lord and His gospel

8. Open doors to know how to best partner with Joseph Lockard as God uses him.

9. Wisdom from God as we teach bible study and God’s leading and directing in those times very specially to the teacher and those listening. Pray that as Tyler teaches God would give him a greater love for the people.

10. Pray that God would water the many seeds that we pray have been planted into peoples lives. There is a revolving door of people down at the shelters so God must keep those whom we come to know and love once they move away.

11. That God would take our love, service, boldness, wisdom, and everything else to a higher level this year. So that we would not just go through another year doing the same things, but that we all would “excel still more” this 2014.

12. That we would “sow much to the spirit” not to the flesh this year so that we might reap “eternal life.”

13. Above all of these things that God would give all that are a part of this more love for His son Jesus and love for the poor.


    The high school students who make up One Hope Academy have become much like family to one another and the teachers and staff who spend time with them every day. Pray for us:

    – that the teachers and staff would continually seek new ways to love, serve, and help these students.
    – that the students would have their hearts changed by the gospel. They know it well, but, in most cases, treasure their sin more than they treasure Christ. Pray for hearts of flesh to value what’s truly valuable.
    – for good attitudes toward their work and for motivation to do well in all they do.
    – for each student to begin to develop dreams for their lives and that we would wisely help them pursue them.
    – for the 20+ students who have been part of OHA in the past, that God would continue to draw them to Himself and reawaken their hearts to desire Him.
    – for energy and endurance for the staff as they minister