Join us tonight at 6:00 pm for a time of prayer, study, and fellowship.
Great News! – The CHURCH DIRECTORY is available for distribution. If you want a copy you may request one from Carrie Poole ( We can send you a copy by email, or she can make you a hard copy. There are still a few pictures missing, and we can still add you in if you desire. We desire to live in each others’ lives more than just Sunday to Sunday. It is our prayer that the Lord might use the directory as one means towards that goal. We pray it will help you to encourage one another & pray for one another better; that it will help you in your efforts towards hospitality; that it will encourage you to partner together in new ministry burdens or to enlist prayer partners and ministry partners in efforts of love God has on your heart; that it will encourage the sharing and carrying of burdens; and, will especially remind us that we are not alone as we strive to live as “unalienated aliens” in our world. We also pray it will help you to remember each other and respond in love if someone goes missing for a season. We would ask you not to pass on copies but encourage people to request their own copy directly. This allows us to better protect contact information. We ask you not to use this to solicit for sales or matters that are not directly related to the ministries of Springs of Grace and our church family.
If you have a desire to serve on Sunday mornings as Usher, please contact Tyler Brown at 918-810-8888 or Jared Tabor at 918-208-2222
NURSERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We’re in need of more volunteers for the nursery. Please contact Charlene McCoy ( if you will help.
- Special gift for women of the church on May 10th (incredible)
- Lord’s Table – Sunday AM May 20
- FCA/One Hope Project 61- June 1-4; VBS – June 17-20
- Project 61 – July 21-25
- Secret Church – June 13, July 11, and August 8.
If you would like to talk to one of the elders about following Jesus as a Christian, about baptism, about church membership, or would like to request prayer, then the elders are available after the services on Sunday morning or by calling the church office at 918-836-8935 and setting up an appointment.