"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Sunday Information and Prayer

Dear Springs of Grace Church Family,

Grace and peace. The Lord is a good and faithful Father and the Great Shepherd of our souls. Solomon said in Proverbs 3 – “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.” It is essential to walking in the path of wisdom that we live our daily lives with the steadfast love and faithfulness of God deep in our hearts. If we can remember how sure His love is for us and how faithful He is to us, we will walk in love and humility towards others. May we be so overwhelmed at His love for us that we don’t feel the need to find our identity somewhere else but can give ourselves away for the good of others and for their building up. Our Great Shepherd will faithfully lead us and will work in us what is pleasing in His sight. If we live without being captured by His steadfast love, then will feel the need to find the measurement of our worth and success somewhere else.

As a struggling sinner, who daily repents and finds mercy from God – I am overwhelmed and grateful for His steadfast love and faithfulness. Please pray for me (and I will pray for you) that it will make us treat others differently because we are so loved.

I got the opportunity to read the new Elizabeth Elliott biography this past week (I recommend it!) and was reminded of a lot of great truths. We won’t always understand the why. We won’t always see the answers or the outcomes in this life. Suffering and dying are a part of God’s path for His people. There is great joy in obeying Him. I am so very thankful for God’s raising up of new elders in our church. Last Sunday, we got the opportunity to ordain and install Fred Sabatini, Ryan McNeill, and Gabe Graham. Tomorrow we get the privilege of ordaining and installing Tim Condie and Nate Boone.

I am also excited to return to our study of John’s gospel and begin looking at John 17. It is a unique passage of Scripture where we get to listen in to an inter-trinitarian conversation as Jesus prays to His heavenly Father. It is truly holy ground. I would love you to join us in trying to memorize as much of it as you can over the next few weeks.

I hope you can join us for our outdoor service at 10:30 tomorrow. We do have approval for attempting an indoor service option at the Rose Bowl when weather conditions and the pandemic conditions make that the best option for gathering. The COVID virus is raging in our city and state and we feel like being outside this Sunday is still the best option for us.

Please pray for those who have lost loved ones to this illness (23 today in our state, over 1000 in our nation today and now over 1.3 million fellow image bearers who have lost their lives in the past 9 months to this pandemic. Pray also for those who are sick and suffering, though not dying. Pray for those who are being impacted in mental health areas, emotionally, educationally, developmentally, and economically. Please pray for those in our church who are serving those who are impacted by the pandemic. Lord, please give us grace to endure and please end this pandemic, but mostly we pray, Lord, do that which glorifies you the most.

Please pray for those who are adopting or fostering. Take time to pray for those in our church family that are serving in these critical areas. We had hoped to have testimonies tomorrow from someone in our church that is volunteering with Stand in the Gap as a mentor to those in foster care and someone who is serving as a CASA worker. The pandemic outbreak has restricted their ability to join us – but if you want information on these ways of serving, please let me know and I can connect you.

Praise the Lord for two more babies in our church this week. God gave Rachel and Malachi Blankenship a new little girl (River Claire) and Megan and Gabe Graham a new baby boy (Simon Luke Gabriel Graham). Take some time to rejoice with them.

Please continue to pray for those who can’t participate with us in the services. CHECK ON ONE ANOTHER AND EXCEL STILL MORE IN LOVING ONE ANOTHER!

Please join us for worship at 10:30 am tomorrow outdoors or by livestream. You can find the link to this week’s livestream service at our website – www.springsofgrace.church or here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K7tWXsQy3o

Please pray for our service tomorrow. I am excited about what God has for us.

If you have questions or needs, please let us know. Striving to be His church, by His grace, for His glory.

Love you very much,
Pastor Joe