"…to the praise of the glory of His grace…" Ephesians 1:6

Prayer Week Tuesday 2022

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Topic: Tuesday Morning Prayer Week Meeting

Time: Jan 11, 2022 06:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Pray for the teachers of our Sunday Morning Children’s Class (Jordan Allison and Joe Blankenship) and Marcus and Fred who lead our adult prayer time on Sunday mornings)

Pray for the preaching of God’s Word on Sunday mornings – for Pastor Joe and or Marcus’s preparation, personal intake of God’s Word, sensitivity to the Spirit, and the delivery of God’s Word to us.

Pray for Nate and Miriam Boone as they lead out in our college and young adult bible studies on Thursday nights.

Pray for Jordan Allison and others who teach our youth at Late Nights and for the volunteers who seek to build on what is shared in personal conversations.

Pray for Emma Smith and the ladies who lead our Girls Club and Care Group times

Pray for Zac Vercruyssen and Marcus Bell-Winston and Fred Sabatini and others who lead out in our Community Groups

Pray for Marcus as he leads a study and prayer time on Tuesdays.

Pray for Jake Funderburk, Megan Helmberger, Jordan Allison, Lesley Hill, Tom Salas, Caleb Walter, all the other college students and all the other volunteers who share God’s Word and His love with the homeless at Under the Bridge on Thursday nights.

Pray that all of these preachers and teachers would be diligent students of the Bible and handle it accurately, striving to communicate the author’s intention in the text – that they would share the Word of God and not the Word of men – that they would be kept from false doctrine or application that goes beyond the authority of the text but that they would speak with boldness what God has said through His Word, the Bible. Pray that they would preach the Word with love and compassion for the hearers and with hope in the Spirit’s work to take His Word and glorify Himself by helping the hearers.

Pray for those of us who sit under the teaching of God’s Word that we would have hearts and minds that are receptive and hungering to hear from God through the Bible. Pray that we would take heed to how we hear.

Pray for many to value more highly the preaching and teaching of God’s Word and to demonstrate that through our decisions.

Pray for our own individual reading and studying of God’s Word – that we would take the time to read the Bible and that we might have ears to hear it and the grace of God to understand it and that we might behold the wonderful things that show us Jesus in His Word.